Subsequent visits before I updated again would reveal a simple message telling you that I haven't updated since your last visit. I think it would also be excellent to add the same Search feature that Diaryland employs to enable anyone to find all posts written over the 20 months I've been using this site that contain a specified word or phrase. In addition, this format would make it easier for ME to just pop in and write things, short things, wherever I am (home, any lab at school, parents', friends', work, etc.), without 'saving it up' for a longer post. Instead of one 'big one' per day, I could post 3 or 4 or 10 snippets. I think these changes would make the diary more enjoyable to read and to write. I also will try to use more links in my posts--a complaining party has complained about the 'unverifiability' of some of my tidbits. By the way, I did make a post earlier today. Anyway, if anyone knows a way to assist in my goals for this place, why not email me? I think it would make the 'diary' better overall and enhance the aspects that people enjoy about it. I know Diaryland has a built-in WebLog feature, and they seem to grant much freedom of html customization to users (I haven't even had the agreed-to Diaryland banner for a year and a half). And I do have this. But if you reread the above, you'll note that what I want to do is kind of an in-between state, which is why I haven't done it yet. I'd rather maintain a clean appearance with no banners or pop-ups; I'd also rather not shell out any money for 'ad-free hosting at BlogSpot' or the 'gold membership' at Diaryland. Also, it would be fortunate if I could keep the same URL (in the case of staying with Diaryland). � � |